Sunday 30 October 2011

Musing Mondays (3).

Musing Mondays Is Hosted By MizB At Should Be Reading.

Would You Say That You Read About The Same Amount Now As When You Were Younger?
More? Less? Why?

I probably read more when I was younger, when I was at school I used to win awards at school for reading the most books in a year.
Between work and everything else I don't read as much as I'd like to, when I get the chance I can read a  500 page book in a day, this year I joined the Goodreads reading challenge and have challenged myself to read 250 books this year, so far I've read 211 which is the most I've read in some time.


  1. I never get the chance to read a book in a day any more...

    Here’s my Musing Mondays post. :)

  2. awards for reading! wow...
    I have always been a reader and hopefully, always will be!

  3. Wow, awards for reading! How cool!
    I've always read a lot but I'm reading relatively more now. :)

    Here's my Musing Mondays post
    Happy Halloween!
    Books, Biscuits & Tea

  4. That's awesome for winning awards for reading! I wish I had the time for reading that much. :)
